Soccer Mommy
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Yellow Is The Color Of Her Eyes

Soccer Mommy

color theory

The bright August sun feels like yellow
And the white of your eyes is so yellow
The tiny lie I told to myself is making me hollow
I've been choking on truths that I couldn't swallow
I'm falling apart over a memory
And the weight in my heart is getting too heavy
'Cause every word is a nail that slips in slowly
And I can't hammer it down enough to keep holding in

And I could lie but it's never made me feel good inside, I'm still so blue
I can't erase the hue, it's just colored over

I'm thinking of her from over the ocean
See her face in the waves, her body is floating
And in her eyes, like clementines, I know that she's fading
And the light of the sun is only a daydream

And I could lie but it's never made me feel good inside, I'm still so blue
I can't erase the hue, it's just colored over

Loving you isn't enough, you'll still be deep in the ground when it's done
I'll know the day when it comes
I'll feel the cold as they put out my sun
Loving you isn't enough, you'll still be deep in the ground when it's done
I'll know the day when it comes
I'll feel the cold as they put out my sun

Compositor: Sophie Allison

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