What was old, once was new What’s lying derelict once stood straight, proud and true Taking a bird’s eye view, life goes on with a song Well maybe with a lick of paint You might not think my head is on straight I would be lying if I told you the truth What was old once was new, taking a bird’s eye view
What stands ugly and mean awaiting demolition day Was once the start of somebody’s dream
Now the sun shines through the broken glass The bike for the birthday boy, he’s left it now, he’s gone away And the lilac wall paper once brought home and hung with patience and care Now there’s nobody there What was old once was new, taking a bird’s eye view
On the draughtsman’s board this looked like a dream Modern housing pitched like tents around a village green
What was old once was new, taking a bird’s eye view
Taking a bird’s eye view, I’ll pack my wings and get out of here There’s nothing else that I can do What was old once was new, taking a bird’s eye view