The skies are falling The skies are falling Trigger complex and American lies Trigger complex eleven thousand have died Trigger complex we have the right to bare arms But hate breeds hate so be on alarm For those who seek the truth are
My friends, my family Who live their lives in fear of the machine called man His only moment of peace is the time that he takes to wash their blood from his hands Every days the same All their ways the same From their top-secret meetings to their shadow games And it's a damn shame they won't be punished for their sins As the taxpayers money buys their freedom again And can't you see All our days are withering
The skies are falling The skies are falling You're all sik
How many times have you looked at this? How many times have you accepted this fuked up world? And thought the end is near It's all too fukin clear the end is near But I don't care I won't be there when the shit goes down When the government and the flag hit the ground When the news and the media monger war And spread fear and violence through out the nation But what about your children? And your children's children If u had one chance to change things would u stand up? Motherfuckers get the fuck up
The skies are falling The skies are falling Year of the gun your in the corporate crosshair Year of the gun You are the gun Year of the gun your in the corporate crosshair Year of the gun
For those who seek the truth Stand up and be counted we won't sit idol any longer For those who seek the truth Get up, Stand up, speak your mind Lets see what's inside
Two days after September 11th a scared senate passed the Patriot Act This act permit's the government to label you a terrorist Without ever defining the word “terrorist” To access your library and medical records To break into your home And go through your personal files and photos They can break into your home! It's just not right
No more black bag jobs I won't sit hear and take your shit Now tell me who's the patriot now? No more black bag jobs I won't sit hear and take your shit Now tell me who's the patriot If you feel your freedom's at risk Let me see you pump your fists and tell me Who's the fuckin patriot now? If u feel your freedoms at risk Let me here you raise your voices and say Who is the patriot now?