T Bone Burnett
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Seven Times Hotter Than Fire

T Bone Burnett

The True False Identity

I never been closer and I never been farther away
I never been closer and I never been farther away
I might say something or I might have nothing to say

Love I feel seven times hotter than fire
Love I feel seven times hotter than fire
The world is not flat
The world is not round
The world is square
But it won't bring me down
Love I feel seven times hotter than fire

If I was dead and buried in the cold hard ground
If I was dead and buried in the cold hard ground
I would rise from the grave and come and track you down

Love I feel seven times hotter than fire

If you were there on that dark night
You would not have joined the fight
You would have said it wasn't right
Had you been there on that dark night

If you were there on that dark day
You would have turned and walked away
You would not have joined the fray
Had you been there on that dark day
You would have had the words to say
Had you been there on that dark day

I never been closer and I never been farther away
I never been closer and I never been farther away
I might say something or I might have nothing to say

Love I feel seven times hotter than fire

Compositor: Joseph Henry Burnett Iii (Stahr Arthur Buster)
ECAD: Obra #16906094

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