Betrayed and captured, sentenced to death Walking slowly, on the Via Dolorosa On the head, a crown of thorns And the crowd, yells and mourns
Spikes in the hands And in the feet Gestas to his right Dismas to the left
Betrayed and captured, sentenced to death Walking slowly, on the Via Dolorosa On the head, a crown of thorns And the crowd, yells and mourns
Spikes in the hands And in the feet Gestas to his right Dismas to the left
Upon a hill, the hill of skulls Three crosses stand, the hour is full None of them will survive the night But two of them will see the light
If you are the one, if you’re Eli’s son Then save thyself, and us too We receive the due reward for what we’ve done This man is not guilty, he’s done nothing wrong
Upon a hill, the hill of skulls Three crosses stand, the hour is full None of them will survive the night But two of them will see the light
Remember me when you come into your kingdom Truly I say to you: today you’ll be with me in paradise