Nuni tojigo kwiga yorurigo
Sonkute yorurinun string dure urimu I
Kongane ururyo pojigo
Bass ururigo effecter korojugo
Binnanun lights moving lights shining lights
Modu tedonhago oruraga
OOh time to be crazy
OOh time for the show
Gwanrane yorugi good tonight oo
Michiru du norayo tonight oo
Noreru mandurodo mame opunun marumanhago
Saran man wechinun don't be a poser man
Nega mora hedo ne kwieman choumyon de
That is my beat get out
Don't wanna be your slave
Oeoo oeoo
Flow ne sorie maccho
Oeoo oeoo
Shut up and shake it all night
Gwanrane yorugi good tonight oo
Michiru du norayo tonight oo
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Yes! team h moviment!
OO oo
Separugan chomyon soku mocchige charyo
Ibun saramu soge
Relax han mamuro rolex chan
Dushi sonuru oruryo
Kibunchoun hyangi
Saramudure dusokkime hyangi yeah
Kibunichoa nanana I feel so good tonight
Nuni tojigo kwiga yorurigo
Sonkute yorurinun string dure urimu I
Kongane ururyo pojigo oo
Gwanrane yorugi good tonight oo
Michiru du norayo tonight oo
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby
Rock and roll rock and roll baby