It's that noise again, I hear it every day It's that noise that makes me just want to smash my head against my bed post Shove a pen into my ear I hope it hits my brain Who said I had to get up this early to learn anyway?
Corporate whores that walk these halls teacher's death grip on my balls chain me to a desk and teach me how to be just like you call this a place to learn I would rather watch it burn taxes pay to jail us all someday I'll be outside these white walls.
Staring at the clock trying to pass the time. Pure white surroundings make me feel like i'm in some kind of institution rather than a so called school, a nicer name these days for jail. I gotta get outta here, I'm going crazy. I'M GOING CRAAZY!!
Corporate whores that walk these halls teacher's death grip on my balls chain me to a desk and teach me how to be just like you call this a place to learn I would rather watch it burn taxes pay to jail us all someday I'll be outside these white walls.