The Clash
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Lover's Rock

The Clash

London Calling: 25th Anniversary Ed (Remastered)


Yeh, you must treat your lover girl right
If you wanna make lover's rock
You must know a place you can kiss to make lovers rock
'Cause everybody knows it's a crying shame
But nobody knows the poor babie's name
When she forgot that thing that she had to swallow

You Western man, you're free with your seed
When you make lovers rock
But woops! there goes the strength that you need
To make real cool lovers rock
'Cause a genuine lover takes off his clothes
And he can make a lover in a thousand go's
An' she don't need that thing that she had to swallow

Compositores: John Graham Mellor (Joe Strummer), Michael Geoffrey Jones (Mick Jones), Paul Gustave Simonon (The Clash), Nicholas Bowen Headon (Headon Topper)
ECAD: Obra #961743 Fonograma #1326309

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