The Strokes

At The Summer

The Strokes

I can't escape it
Never gonna make it out of this in time
I guess that's just fine
I'm not there quite yet
My thoughts, such a mess
Like a little boy
What you running for?

Run at the door
Anyone home?
Have I lost it all?

Struck me like a chord
I'm an ugly boy
Holding out the knife
Lonely afterlife
You begged me not to go
Sinking like a stone
Use me like an oar
Get yourself to shore

Bang at the door
Anyone home?
That's just what they do
Right in front of you
Like a cannonball
Slamming through your wall
In their face, I saw
What they're fighting for

Can't escape it
I never gonna make it
Till the end, I guess

Struck me like a chord
I'm an ugly boy
Holding out the knife
Lonely afterlife
Banging on the door
I don't wanna know
Sinking like a stone
So use me like an oar

Hard to fight what I can't see
Not trying to build no dynasty
I can see beyond this world
But we've lost this game so many times before

Lying on the cold floor
I'll be waiting, yeah
I'll be waiting from the other side
Waiting for the tide to rise

Lying on the cold floor
I'll be waiting, yeah
I'll be waiting from the other side
Waiting for the tide to rise

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