Help I'm a rock, help I'm a rock, help I'm a rock! Help I'm a rock, help I'm a rock, help I'm a rock! Somebody, please, please! Help I'm a rock, help I'm a rock Wow man, it's a drag being a rock Help I'm a rock I wish I was anything but a rock Heck, I'd even like to be a policeman Hey, you know what, you know maybe if I practised, you know Maybe if I passed my driving test I could get a gig drivin' that bus and pick some freaks up In front of Ben Franks, right!
Help I'm a cop, help I'm a cop, help I'm a cop! (Help I'm a rock) , help I'm a cop, help I'm a cop! It's a drag being a cop, I think I'd rather be the mayor Always wondered what I was gonna be when I grew up, you know Always wondered whether or not, whether or not I could make it You know, in society, because You know, it's a drag when you're rejected So I tore the cover off a book of matches and I sent in And I got this letter back that said