White Stripes
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The Air Near My Fingers

White Stripes


Life is so boring it's really got me snoring I'm wearing out the flooring in a cheap motel
But I don't have to work and I might be sinning but I never have to listen to the rings of school bells
Do, do, do!

Don't you remember you told me in December that a boy is not a man until he makes a stand
Well I'm not a genius but maybe you'll remember this I never said I wanted to be a man
Do, do, do!

I get nervous when she comes around when she comes around when she comes around x4

My mom is so caring she really got me staring at all the crazy little things she does for sure
And I can't seem to think of another kind of love that a boy could ever get from anyone but her
Do, do, do!

I get nervous when she comes around when she comes around when she comes around x4

By : wordom

Compositor: Jack White

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