I bought a house at the mouth of the holler A ring at the pawn shop, and a crib for the kid I heard some word there was work up in Hindman I'm going tomorrow and hope that there is
My sweat and my wages they don't seem to weight out I'm gettin' more aches than I'm gainin' in gold Whoever said you could raise you a family Just a'workin' your ass off knee deep in coal?
Well the sign at the church says I'll reap what I'm sowin' But I ain't lost sleep, it'll come in due time If the Lord wants to take me I'm here for the taking 'Cause hell's probably better than tryin' to get by
You can see me on the front page It'll be out tomorrow A boy in his 20's, shot down in his prime
For trying to hold up the Texaco station They'll say I was desperate They're probably right
I bought a house at the mouth of the holler A ring at the pawn shop, and a crib for the kid I heard some word there was work up in Hindman I'm going tomorrow and hope that there is