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Love Comes Tumbling


Wide Awake in America

Love don't need to find a way
You'll find your own way.
I forget that I can't stay
And so I say that all roads lead to where you are.
All roads lead to where you are.

The seed is split, the bed defiled
For you a virgin bride
Find yourself in someone else
Don't find yourself in me
I can't lift you up again
Love comes tumbling down again.

Love don't need to find a way
You'll find your own way
I forget that you can't stay
But I know that
And so I say that all roads lead to where you are.
All roads lead to where you are
All roads lead to where you are.

Compositores: Paul David Hewson, David Evans, Laurence Mullen, Adam Clayton
ECAD: Obra #1305460

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