Always I had this need to control Never will it leave me alone Looking into my master's dead eye I know there's a cell for us all
This is the great summer of our kind Brought upon us in conspiracy Between a burning lord And the ruminant monster called Earth
There are ghosts in this fist Malfunction in my heart My blood runs in the wrong direction If I could I would rape the whole world Machine of conceited fornication
I cut down the skies And move through the layers of logic I slice up reality And here comes the light Executing our history
Always I had this need to control Never will it leave me alone Look deep into this reptile eye God shows there's hell for us all
This is the great summer of our kind Brought upon us in conspiracy Between a burning lord And the ruminant monster called Earth
There are ghosts in this fist Malfunction in my heart My blood runs in the wrong direction If I could I would rape the whole world Machine of conceited fornication