Rain has just stopped, Biting wind come Mark of a changing season. Sun to its den gets With no prey caught And a tear runs over its mouth
My skin is naked Ice stings my body And night is ready to fall I feel so weak now My wings so heavy I'm falling
Memory is a child Fallen from his golden could On the separating line between Freedom. Jail.
Fly away, if you can change the law Gates of winter are wide open To snare your little soul
Mankind will be Grateful to you Shined by dreams and illusions If you don't want to grow up And loose your power Hold out! Don't come in
Memory is afraid now One step on would make him a man But the gorge one step behind is a Black hole.
Sacrifice would save the whole mankind And you would stay, you would stay A child forever Fly away, if you can change the law Gates of winter are wide open To snare your little soul
Gates of winter get closer And the sound become louder Memory's doubt to be solved "go ahead" or "game over"?