I had a dream I was under the ground My friends and family were buried all around and a Worm took a bite of me And then he washed it down with a bite of you
The same worms that eat me will someday eat you too They gonna eat you
Nibbled on your feet and they nibbled on my toes They become the same when our bodies decompose You'll turn into dirt someday, same dirt as me Like one becomes a two and a two becomes a three
The same worms that eat me will someday eat you too
I had a dream I was under the ground My friends and family were buried all around A worm took a bite of me And then he washed it down with a bite of you, a bite of you
The same worms that eat me will someday eat you too They gonna eat you They're gonna nibble on you hair They're gonna eat you up Gonna slither all around you, touch you everywhere We got the same worms We got the same worms We got the same worms, baby They gonna eat you
The same worms that eat me will someday eat you too