For all the fighters around the world Sometimes so far away from home Deserving a better life I pray for a day to hunger, cry and sorrow, to do not exist And now I just want to say Fighters, don't give up
When I look around And all the fighters are crying I see blood on hands And I can't understand I look in the eyes And the pain is the answer For the tears on the floor And I just pray for God
Fighters hands up To reach the sky Fighters hands up To stop the sacrifice
Cry and all the strength is gone
And no one can survive in this world with hunger God please help every single lost soul Hunger is a disease In the eyes of misery
When you realize the reality You think is like equality So unfair Fighters stand up Cause another better day will come
Fighting for your family Fighting for yourself Fighting for a better future Fighting because you need to fight to survive In a world like that
Fighters hands up To reach the sky Fighters hands up To stop the sacrifice