Alter Bridge


Alter Bridge

Pawns & Kings

Hold your hands up high and throw them in the air
Show that you care too much
to feel this way again
Things that cause you pain, just throw them to the wind
Don't turn away again for I am always at your side

As I take another look around me
As I'm trying to be all I can be
Try to make me something more

Don't wait, it won't last forever and
Allow your heart to heal
Just begin to heal

Make just one last wish and shout it to the sky
The time it is right to love, to feel, to light a fire
We'll never know just when we'll have the chance again
To see it to the end so do your part and make it last

As I take another look around me
As I'm trying to be all I can be
Try to make me something more

Don't wait, it won't last forever and
Allow your heart to heal
Right here, stay the course with no regret
Right here with me

They say we'll get back to the way it was
Before the bitter winds of change
It's so hard to know where it's gonna go
Will you please give me a sign?
That everything's gonna be alright
It'll be alright

Don't wait, it won't last forever and
Allow your heart to heal
Right here, stay the course with no regret
Right here with me

Right here with me

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