They might tell you
There's lots of works God wants to see from you
That's not the right attitude
None are saved by things that man can do
But Jesus said the deed was done on Calvary
More than works 'cause all the good you do
Ain't no big deal
And it couldn't get you saved that's too costly
The Bible tells me so
What would you do if I quote Ephesians 2
No man's works can save his soul
That's so nobody can boast
The Good Book says that it's not by works but grace
And you couldn't make things new
Without faith in our Lord too
More than works
Now they might try to talk to you and make you just like them
(But) all you have to do is hope in Christ
And just be born again
And trust the Holy Ghost He'll never let you go
More than works
'cause all of men's good deeds are still too small
And they couldn't get you saved
But you can be 'cause Christ already rose
What would you do if your heart was born anew
Your good works could show your faith
But you must first take His grace
What do you say If you trust His Word today
Then you could still make things new
Just by prayin' why don't you?