Backstreet Boys
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Crawling Back To You

Backstreet Boys

The Essential Backstreet Boys

Everybody knows
that I was such a fool
to ever let go of you
But baby I was wrong
And yeah I know I said
We'd be better off alone
It was time that we moved on
I know I broke your heart
I didn't mean to break your heart

But baby, here I am
Banging on your front door
My pride's spilled on the floor
My hands and knees are bruised
And I'm crawling back to you
Begging for a second chance
Are you gonna let me in?
I was running from the truth
And now I'm crawling back to you

I know you're in there
And you can make me wait
But I'm not going away
It's the least that I can do
just to tell you face to face
I was lying to myself
Now I'm dying in this hell

Girl, I know you're mad
I can't blame you for being mad

But baby, here I am
Banging on your front door
My pride's spilled on the floor
My hands and knees are bruised
And now I'm crawling back to you
Begging for a second chance
Are you gonna let me in?
I was running from the truth
And now I'm crawling back to you

If you could see
these tears I'm crying
Touch these hands
that can't stop shaking
Heal my heart
that's heavily bleeding
You would see a different man

But baby, here I am
Banging on your front door
My pride's spilled on the floor
My hands and knees are bruised
And I'm crawling back to you
Begging for a second chance
Are you gonna let me in?
I was running from the truth
And now I'm crawling back to you

Banging on your front door
My pride's spilled on the floor
I was running from the truth
And now i'm crawling back to you

Compositores: John Christopher Farren, Eric Blair Daly (Daly Blair)
ECAD: Obra #5377117 Fonograma #1325841

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