Bryan Adams
Página inicial > Romântico > B > Bryan Adams > Rock and Roll Hell

Rock and Roll Hell

Bryan Adams

Been under fire, for 16 years
Just waiting for his time to come
He fought the lies, fought back the tears
Can't wait to hear that starting gun
There ain't nobody gonna step on his dreams
So he held his hands high and he screamed

Get me out of this rock and roll hell, take me far away
Get me out of this rock and roll hell
Get me out of this rock and roll hell, I don't wanna stay
Get me out of this rock and roll hell

He's on the edge, he can feel it in his heart
This time the pressure is really on
He's gonna fight it, might even steal a guitar
This time tomorrow, he'll be gone
There ain't nobody gonna tell him what to do
Think he's a little like me and you, yeah

Compositores: Bryan Adams, Gene Simmons, Jim Vallance

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