Chris de Burgh
Página inicial > Soft Rock > C > Chris de Burgh > Watching the World

Watching the World

Chris de Burgh

Pass me the bottle, pass me the wine,
Open your throttle, and I'll drive you right out of your mind
Watching the waves, watching the sky,
I'm just a sitting down here by the riverside,
Watching the world going by...

She said that she loved me and always be true,
But she was high above me, there's only one thing to do,
Bye baby baby bye bye little darling, and now she's flying blue,
And I'm sitting down here by the riverside,
Watching the world passing through...

Oh yea yea yea Ram bam bi doo ah... Ram bam bi doo ay..
Do you want to meet my sister, she's good for a drink or two
At forty-five smiles to the gallon she can watch the world floating

Throw away your city clothes, throw away your suit,
Bring out your city rose, bring the dogs and the cats in the boot, yea
yea yea
You don't need no shoes, you won't feel the blues,
When you're sitting down here by the riverside
Watching the world passing through...

Oh Ram bam bi doo ah... Ram bam bi doo ay...
Roll one for me brother, eighteen inches long,
And we can lay down here by the riverside
Smoking and singing this song... oh yea

Ram bam bi doo ah... Ram bam bi doo ay...
Sitting down here by the riverside
Watching the world going by...

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