Ensnared by the binds of consuming maturity Insatiable demons of greed tearing from me all that's familiar All that's sacred, all that's good My being bent to the point Where I no longer see that my world Is a world of fools
The pained contortion of my face Bears witness to the sickening irony To gaze upon the image Captured for eternity by machine Would whisk away The illness that abounds
Would wrap me within a gentle cloak Of visions Of the warmth and smells of that night
Countless sighs ago Countless cries ago Seemingly lives ago It seems we wash our hands a bit more these days
Take me back to my home That will forever be the past I cringe at the grim reality It conjures up a violence within me Best left unseen It seems to tear blood from my eyes As the tears have run dry To sleep; to dream To come as close to that eve As I'll ever fucking be again As I would trade infinity To be that na飗e boy again Justified I simply submit And now my time-enduring words