Aeons have passed since the great deluge. When the anger of god, towards our father, Swallowed the earth, and cleansed the world.
I have witnessed it... And everything thereafter. From the within my cold grave In millenial lethargy…
I witnessed it all... The kindred growing weaker As the blood grows thinner... Foolish childs...
They know not what's coming form them! Soon, their pathetic lives shall end, And i shall feast upon their blood!
I am powered by aeons of unholy existence, No one shall withstand my wrath. Even the ancients shall perish before my might. Final death is the fate of them all.
Alast... gehenna...
It´s the coming of darkness! I feel it closer every day. Gehenna is upon us!!!
The prophecy spoken... Soon will rage the world, Like hell on earth... In a final cannibalistic frenzy The hunger of the immortal hatred.
A deep sleep finally comes to... End!!!
Milleniums of longing... Yearning for blood... That beckons me...