


Nah jay su atwanei kwa, tie asu fahdah dah hay
Nah jay su atwanei kwa, tie asu fahdah dah hay
Tie asu fahdah dah hay, fahdah dah hay
Tie asu fahdah dah hay, fahdah dah hay

Nah jay su atwanei kwa, tie asu fahdah dah hay
Nah jay su atwanei kwa, tie asu fahdah dah hay
Tie asu fahdah dah hay, fahdah dah hay
Tie asu fahdah dah hay, fahdah dah hay

Coz e wah he, coz e wah he, mah ka simba
Airay, da ka simba kanamah ka simba oh
Da kah simba, da kah simba
Da ka simba kanamah ka simba oh

You raise your head, beat the sun
But your boys they lie, so close to you
Do you dare get up? And wake the two

Oh Elias, I see you there, at work in the daytime do you think you could,
answer all the questions of the world
In just one word, I think you could.

If you die will i get word that you're gone
Or will i hear it in passing conversation
Will i stop short and, fall to the ground
Distance is short when your hand carries what your eye found

Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me
Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me

Honest and Manuel well you know, they're at school now
Getting the chance that, their father's never seen
See whats beyond, section 17
And in 10 years, when you look back at your boys
well you know they've grown, way taller than the tallest sugar cane in the field

If you die will i get word that you're gone
Or will i hear it in passing conversation
Will i stop short and, fall to the ground
Distance is short when your hand carries what your eye found

Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me
Hold my hand just one more time
Hold my hand just one more time
Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet meee.

And I see your wife, she stands, stooped over by the fire outside
And I see your boys, and when they look up, you know i think they've got their mother's eyes
Cause she looks so proud, she looks so happy, she looks so proud, she looks so happy, yeaahhh

If you die will i get word that you're gone
Or will i hear it in passing conversation
Will i stop short and, fall to the ground
Distance is short when your hand carries what your eye found

Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me
Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me

Hold my hand just one more tiiiime (Aya, Aya, Ayaahah)
Hold my hand ,one more time (Aya, Aya, Ayaahah)
Dayah ya ya, yah yah yah, yah yah yah (Aya, Aya, Ayaahaha)

Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me
Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me

Compositores: Bradley Joseph Corrigan (Brad Corrigan), Charles Stokes Urmston (Chad Stokes Urmston), Peter F Heilmbold (Pete Francis)
ECAD: Obra #7739377

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