I' have lost the trust in almost everybody, The fact that people change, don't you think that's strange. Friendship is forever, it's not always true, I don't think you need an example everybody got his own you. I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true. I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true. They say that people come and people go away, But the unwritten law is:' real friends they stay'. You tell your secrets, you talk about your fears, Because this is how it goes with friends! I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true. I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true. I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true. I don't believe in lies, I wonder if you do. They are all just lullabies, who are not coming true.