I walked down to the five and dime--to commit myself a petty crime As the check out girl started to flirt--I ran up the street with a stolen shirt So she chased me seven blocks all the way Then said "lets go out to lunch, I never liked that job anyway" A the high class restaurant she needed a thrill So we ran out without payin' the bill That day we robbed so many banks, we even told the tellers "THANKS!" Then she said, "I'm a good Catholic--How 'bout you?" I said, "IF YOU"RE GOOD, WHAT DO THE BAD ONES DO?" Then we got in a fight over God and the nations And she drove me straight to the police station Cops...Busted...Como Esta Usted? She told the sargeant that she had been kidnapped by me Those cops had me trapped so I went to my cell and I fell asleep While she fell in love with the sergeant, deep And I got twenty years for the petty crimes And she walked with my shirt back to the five and dime