As jewels of a marble kind
A curtain of black fell like rain
Of Hag the dusk awaken the dead
And the sun bled away
Eu oiço o crepusculo cantar
São os filhos da noite que em melodias obscuras
Desejam o luar com paixão e ansiedade
E que com ódio amaldiçoam a luz
Aghast the sun hides
Ra ashamed
The ominous vulture screams
And an ebbing light is wrung by nightfall
Eden is in ruins, flames of carmine glow in midnight skies
Reflections in the waters as a dance of shadows
In pale horizons the moon lay hidden beneath a cloud
And thrive to dominate — Ate queen of the dead
Cold frost falls from a pallored sky
A shadded funeral firmament as horizon
The twilight of a sun through the wail of dusk
As the moon lay hidden beneath a cloud
And the crow wept and so did the sun
Sharing tears of blood like the sweetest wine
In choir the breed of the night sing forth the dark
Of the singing dusk to welcome the eternal night
So by Autumn leaves the queen is crowned
The glowing scythe through fogs of funeral reaping life
Dawn be fearful of the disgrace of an ebbing sun
Hidden beneath a cloud a black moon brings forth chaos
Held the jewels of atrocity
On streams of crystal dreams in slumber
At dawn the sleep, by dusk they haunt
The children of the damned
And let immortality kiss the skin of Lilith
As the deathly Ereshkigal walks the Yaruu
Diva of black vests empossed and seductive might
In feasts of ambrosia and orgies for the gods
”Depressa, depressa ó dragões da noite!
Que a manhã possa descobrir o olho do corvo”
”E agora secretas e negras bruxas da meia-noite?”
Like an harpia, the betraying face of an angel
Vulture in hunting fashion, fallen from the Zenith
Yggdrasil, the nest of Fenris, Hel goddess of Elvidnir
Night and day are nine from Asgard
As the Górgona bathes in crimson infernal lakes
Of sibilant serpents and horrors that descend to the abysmal lands
A petreal image in the Eternal night
At the doors of Ishtar the decline of an empire
”A não ser que a Górgona saindo dos lagos infernais
Armada de horrores e caracóis de serpentes sibilantes
Me torne, pela visão monstruosa,
Numa imagem pétrea na noite Eterna.”
And listen to the singing dusk
As the moon lay hidden beneath a cloud
The ominous vulture screams
To poison the ebbing light... forever doomed
As jewels of a death painted red
Like a curtain of raining blood
Hag the moon, queen of the dead
Bleeding the sun away... forever
Hidden beneath a cloud a black moon brings forth chaos