Its a case of where we go now Life is like a merry go round This is where we take our vow If one goes we both bow out tonight Juliet is not dead
He still thinks that he can reach Her she is where he needs to be now Rivalry has torn them apart no approval right from the start at all Juliet is not dead and here we are screaming
Romeo you have to wait shes waking up, Romeo is staring Open your eyes now And save this awful ending
If he wasn't so informed Blood would not of covered these walls Kisses on the balcony, rain, Children fill their picture frames tonight Juliet is not dead and hear we are screaming
Romeo you have to wait shes waking up, Romeo is staring Open your eyes now And save this awful ending
Don't drink your poison You'll blow her brains out, Dont drink your poison You'll blow her brains out, Don't drink your poison You'll blow her brains out, Don't drink your poison You'll blow her brains out oh no no no no no no no
Romeo you have to wait shes waking up, Romeo is staring Open your eyes Open your eyes Romeo is staring Open your eyes Open your eyes and save this awful ending