Lord Of The Lost
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Do You Wanna Die Without a Scar

Lord Of The Lost

It's the angst of things to come
You're Immaculate and young
You wash your hand in innocence
And keep it to the bitter end

But under your skin you're dying in sin

Do you wanna die without a scar?
With untainted memoirs
Do you wanna die without a scar?
The blandest au revoir

Good + evil = par
Every pleasure leaves a scar
Every fire leaves a burn
Every touch can leave a mark

But under your skin you're dying in sin (2x)

Do you wanna die without a scar?
With untainted memoirs
Do you wanna die without a scar?
The blandest au revoir

And the hours turn to days
Time is spinning in delays
Do you wanna die without a scar?

No heart, no pain
No scars, no shame
No love, no fear
The end is near

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