Your days are numbered
It doesn't matter so much
What you do is only for you
I don't care about you
Will do what you want
I'm not going to suffer for it
You are not worthy
My tears won't come down
You're too late
I don't feel the same thing
You to me is gone
Without any communication
I love myself
I'm not doing this for anyone
I'm going to do for me
Nobody will walk all over me
You were the last one I liked
That ain't going to happen again
My unrequited attraction will die here
Now you're going to have to turn
Without me
You say things that I don't want to know
But I can't do anything
I don't know what I did wrong
I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore
And what you say about that?
This is not a game
I have feelings
Only you could save me
But now I fell in the lava pit
And so I'll drown
The pain that my heart feels
Nobody will walk all over me
You were the last one I liked
That ain't going to happen again
My unrequited attraction will die here
Now you're going to have to turn
Without me
And love?
I don't believe
My face can't more smile
I can't love
My heart can't take it
I'll just pray to stay well
Just know that you're too late
Nobody will walk all over me
You were the last one I liked
That ain't going to happen again
My unrequited attraction will die here
Now you're going to have to turn
Without me