Pure and holy son of God, taking on the form of man left the glory of his throne, came to bring salvation's plan righteous father, holy one, looking down on us in love gave to us his only son, sent with blessings from above
but we took him and we nailed him to a cross made of wood and we raised it high and dropped it in the ground where it stood and the blood that flowed to the earth below brought forgiveness for the world that had treated him so peace on earth, good will to man, at his birth the angels sang love and mercy from the throne through the earth his message rang
he came in love to bring us light in our darkness he came in peace to bring release from our pain he came with joy to bring us rest in our weariness he came in love to bring us beauty again "jesus christ"
but we took him and we nailed him to a cross made of wood and we raised it high and dropped it in the ground where it stood and the blood that flowed to the earth below brought forgiveness for the world that had treated him so peace on earth, good will to man, at his birth the angels sang love and mercy from the throne through the earth his message rang
he came in love to bring us light in our darkness he came in peace to bring release from our pain he came with joy to bring us rest in our weariness he came in love to bring us beauty again "jesus christ"
all consuming fire, you're my heart's desire and I love you dearly, dearly lord you're my meditation, and my consolation and I love you dearly, dearly lord
singing glory to the lamb I exalt the great I am reigning on your glorious throne you are my eternal home
he came in love to bring us light in our darkness he came in peace to bring release from our pain he came with joy to bring us rest in our weariness he came in love to bring us beauty again "jesus christ"