Let's talk over coffee We'll head for the hills We can love one another And forget what we killed We'll hope there's no god And if there is it's too late But I'm sure as we're dying We'll ask to be saved And that's how it goes When you've made mistakes Like I've made We'll run from our problems We won't tell our mothers We'll pretend our whole lives Have been devoted to others Maybe I'll be famous And still call you honey Or live on the street Begging for money Either way my depression It won't go away What's so good about a prayer Gone unanswered each day And that's how it goes When you've made mistakes Like I've made I'm going home And I'm gonna save So I can be with you I'm sharing your pain You told me there were two And I'm gonna be sick now I hoped you would do what I said It's too late now And that's how it goes When you've made mistakes Like I've made And that's how it goes When you've made mistakes Like I've made