Thought that I was- was a goner Everyone had written my life off Dreamed about better days and hoped that I could make it happen somehow Someone please -please help me I'm dying from the inside out Come to find out God loves me Come to find out I was not alone You found me - you found me - you found me... Regeneration, a new sensation the rebuilding of my broken heart I've put my faith into action I've got a clean, a brand new start The more I seek, the more I find you It seems the wonders never cease How can I ever re-pay you Help me Lord to see just what you say You found me - you found me - you found me... Empty dreams, hollow schemes Don't get trapped into the things of this world you'll find out like I found out that won't fill your life no! come and see what i see man i'll tell you there's no other way you want life? real life? then let Jesus find you like he found me. You found me - you found me - you found me...