I can live with your make-up and you cotton balls
Your perfume and your underwear
Your cigarettes and your Final Net
No, I don't mind sticky hair
I can live with compulsive uncleanliness
The funny smells and the cobwebs, too
But I have to admit, I don't care anymore
I just can't get along with you
I can't stand waking up with your hair in my nose
And your toenails sticking in my legs
Your lukewarm coffee and your cold black toast
And your runny green scrambled eggs
We fight but it's never resolved
Our problems never get solved
We go on and on
Like scum on a pond
Like radioactive waste in dump
We go on but we can't get along
You can live with my friends spilling beer on the floor
And the Penthouse magazines
The bats and balls that clutter the halls
And the frequent drunken scenes
You can live with the fact that I'm a selfish child
And the infidelity
But you have to admit you no longer give a shit
You just can't get along with me
You can't stand all the times that I say I will call
Of course, I forget you and then
Later on in the bedroom I stagger and fall
And leave you frustrated again