
Mercy Me


The Night The Zombies Came

Mercy me, mercy me
I lost my dog down Tennessee
Mercy me, cursed me
I lost my dog down Tennessee

Now everyone's looking for something to do
We went to take a walk on the avenue
We heard the tragedienne
We heard her sing all through the night
I remember her then, bathed in the light
Of that atomic number ten

Never moved to talk and you could not smile
But that face as you walked said: I'll be back in a while
I called the police, I called the National Guard
I prayed to the Prince of Peace
and I prayed to Saint Bernard

Mercy me, mercy me
I lost my dog down Tennessee
Mercy me, cursed me
I lost my dog down Tennessee

Country music filled the air
Reddish orange from the star
Upon her hair and her guitars
But I don't see you anywheres

Mercy me, mercy me
I lost my dog down Tennessee
Mercy me, cursed me
I lost my dog down Tennessee

Compositor: Black Francis

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