Grandpa I tell you a story
means funny
a bit of drama
and very romantic
It all started
an afternoon of the in one second
when the morning sun shining
and a blue-eyed beautiful girl in the street pasava
I think we can call it love at first sight
or the second view, whatever
I only know that I liked much of that beautiful vision
Thrush in his pajamas to get out and everything running in the street to see it
she looked at with a gaze that
it seemed that I was thinking
"Look a man in his pajamas to thrush who lives with his mother, that idiot"
As incredible as it may seem
Tuesday it looked like to me and have a giggle
With time will come your friend;
laughed a lot that day's pajamas of thrush
until they turned her boyfriend
as she was funny and cool
nomarei with her two years
the love was so great
Except that in a very bad day
she suffered a car accident and can handle not
Still love her and I like to remember her
As incredible as it may seem
now lying on the couch at home
watching TV with a beer in hand
And I think it all the time,
this is my world now