When you came into my life
You brought me flowers, you brought me Sun
You did bring life in to my garden
You did bring life into myself
Your sweetness is kindness
Brings us honey, brings us life
You bring us honey, you bring us life
Because you are my sweet honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
You fly around giving life
You float around making sweetness
You kiss the flowers, you kissed my heart
I want your love to spread all over me
Give me your honey, give me your heart
Because you are my sweet honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
What if the night (fires) comes
What if the dark (flood) comes
What if the night comes
What if the dark comes
You left me
With uncertainty
Of who I should be
Suddenly (and abruptly)
You made your flee
How can I see
Where are you? my bumble bee
Suddenly (certainly)
If you leave me
How could I be
Without you, my honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee
Honey, honey, honey bee