There is something in the storm
It is looking back to me
I reckon it's got blood on its eyes
A wicked urge to make me bleed
It wants to carve its fangs on my hide
when it comes it's time to feed
There is something in the storm
It is coming after me
It's got my scent up its nose
The strong perfume of fear
Rushing down the road
and it's getting near
There is something in the storm
There is something in the storm
I'm turning all the keys in the locks
Blowing every candle at home
Covering the windows with planks
Waiting for it to be gone
There is something in the storm
Getting closer as I blink
It's starting to mess with my mind
I'm trembling under the sheets
I'm looking for a place to hide
and now I start to creep
There is something in the storm
There is something in the storm
Hid myself under the bed
A shiver runs now through my bones
I wonder, now I'm holding the knife
will it leave me alone?
It wants my hide
It wants my mind
It wants my hope
(As the wind starts to stir
Skies sheeted in gray fur
Foreseen was the birds uproar
It has put the seas in motion
In great hunger was the Ocean
Whom had now consumed the shore
Leafless trees wither and screech
You can hear their rabid speech
bringing back the days of yore
Now Earth and Sky are warring
and the raindrops that are falling
are the bullets in this war
And the hot cut of the lightning
for just a moment brightening
and leaving scars across the floor
Thunders galloping in the distance
coming faster than an instant
They are begging for more
There is something at my door