| Say Holy Spirit guide us higher
| Say Holy Spirit guide us higher
Cause | remember when the days of old
Before Tv Screens and mobile phones
When real kings and queens sat upon their throne
When Ramana Christ and Krishna liberated souls
But nowadays, we seem to have lost our ways
The devil's wound has let us all astray
But what we seek is not so far away
I say oh no
It's his grace that's been placed on my hand
It's his grace that's been placed on my hand
Oh, Bagavan It's your grace that's been placed on my head
Again and again
Your grace has been placed on my
Yours is the word young soldier
Don't ever listen to what those people tell you
Follow your heart, my brother
Don't ever let them turn you into a number
Yours is the word young soldier
You're not your thoughts, your being, your culture
So follow your soul, my sister
And never let them get you down
| Said Holy Spirit guide us higher
| Said Holy Spirit come and guide us all
Hoby Master how shall we have peace
And be free from the bondage of our selfish ways
Help us all come together as one human race
The warriors of the rainbow come and make a change
Why do we crave this negativity?
When all we really want to be is free?
| Think it's time to look inside for peace
| Said oh, yeah
Lt's his grace that's been placed on my hand
Lt's his grace that's been placed on my hand
Holy mooji baba your grace has been placed on my hand
Your grace has been placed on my
Yours is the word young soldier
Don't ever listen to what those people tell you
Follow your heart, my brother
Don't ever let them tum you into a number
Yours is the word young soldier
You're not your thoughts, your being, your culture
So follow your soul, my sister
And never let them get you down
Holy Spirit come guide us all
Come liberate our souls
Hoby Ramana, holy mooji baba
Hoby sitaram, Jay Sri Buddha
Holy Ramakrishna Namaha, Holy Ramakrishna Namaha