Página inicial > Rock > S > Sueed > The Rescue

The Rescue


I came to rescue you from all the pain
That aches your soul and you lose control
I could have helped you but anyway
I've seen your suffering before my eyes

I wasn't there for all your needs
Or as close as I should have been
I've seen your fall into despair
Before my eyes

Rise again from your state of defeat
I came to offer the help you need
For now I bring you my helping hand
To take away your rage and pain

Pretend once more that things are ok
Don't you dare to look back again
Here and now we change our fate
Before my eyes

Do you forgive me in your heart
Or we both just stay apart
And as you are unsure about us
I'll keep watching you
With my own eyes

Compositor: Gabriel Sueed

Letra enviada por Lucas Rodrigo Martins

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