Nascido da luz - viaje para o momento, libertado do pensamento e do céu
Ele será um, um com a terra
Senhor do Vento, do Mar e da Areia
O escolhido - O portador da vida
"Todos carregarão uma parte de mim,
deixe esta concha oca te libertar para viver como um"
Aqui estamos, crianças do sol e das estrelas
Os primeiros a saber e a compreender
Vivendo pela Lei das Eras,
Profetas e sábios - forjando Utopia
Grande Ptah-Khnemu,
Pastor sagrado do templo de Rá e guardião da verdade
Esferas cristalinas, o poder da luz
Conceda-nos chaves para as estrelas e os segredos para voar
"cinco serão como um"
"nós desvendamos os mistérios do conhecimento e da tecnologia"
"Nós viveremos para sempre...expulse aqueles que são menos divinos
Deuses nós seremos - regentes dos mares...em nosso grande design*"
*design = Concepção de um projeto ou modelo; planejamento;
O produto deste planejamento.
Evolution (The Grand Design)
Born from the light - journey into the
moment, delivered from thought and
He will be one, one with the land -
Lord of wind and the sea and the sands
The one - The bringer of life
"All will bear a part of me - let this
hollow shell set your free to live as one"
Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars
the first to know and to understand
Living by the Law of the Ages
prophets and sages - forging Utopia
Great Ptah - Khnemu - sacred priest of
the Temple of Ra and the keeper of
Crystalline spheres, the power of light,
grant us keys to the stars and the
secrets of flight
'Five shall be as One'
"We unlock the mysteries of
knowledge and technology"
Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars
the first to know and to understand
Living by the Law of the Ages
prophets and sages - forging Utopia
'We shall live forever, and cast out
those less divine
Gods we will be - rulers of the sea - in
our Grand design'
Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars
the first to know and to understand
Living by the Law of the Ages
prophets and sages - forging Utopia (2x)
"...and to create entirely new beings was an even greater
display of thier power, but in attempting to merge thier
energies, some of the newly made beings were
disfigured...and there were altered creatures with wings,
hooved legs and tails - part human, part beast.
And they became divided..."
Encontrou algum erro? Envie uma correção >
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