The Cardigans
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Starter (tradução)

The Cardigans

Série Bis: Jovem Guarda

Starter (Começando)

The Cardigans

This is a start (Esse é o começo)

that I know I'll believe in (no qual sei que irei acrditar)

so I'm leavin' everything behind (Então eu estou

deixando tudo pra trás)

Keeping the parts (Mantendo as partes)

that I know I'll be needing (Que sei que vou


and I breed to be a better kind (E eu estou mudando

pra ser melhor)

And I'm leavin' everyone behind (E eu estou deixando

todo mundo pra trás)

This is the age (Esse é o ano)

when my past should be gone (em que o meu passado foi


but it's just stronger than the aims I have (Mas é

apenas mais forte do que os alvos que eu tenho)

Turning the pages (Virando as paginas)

I used to hang on to (Que eu costumava pendurar)

I was young and I have changed my mind (Eu era jovem e

eu estou mudando de idéia)

And I'm leaving everything behind (E eu estou deixando

tudo pra trás)

New beginning again (Novo início de novo)

a bit closer (Próximo)

new beginning again (Novo início de novo)

a little bit closer (Um pouco mais próximo)

New beginning again (Novo início de novo)

a bit closer to the end (Mais próximo do fim)

This is the time (Essa é a hora)

it's a delicate line (É uma linha delicada)

to the beginning of what's yet to come (Do começo que

está por vir)

Lifetimes of changes (Uma vida de mudanças)

a strange generation (Uma geração estranha)

explanations never come in time (Explicações que nunca

chegaram a tempo)

So I'm leavin' everything behind (Por isso eu estou

deixando tudo pra trás)


This is a start

that I know I'll believe in

so I'm leavin' everything behind

Keeping the parts

that I know I'll be needing

and I breed to be a better kind

And I'm leavin' everyone behind

This is the age

when my past should be gone

but it's just stronger than the aims I have Turning the pages

I used to hang on to

I was young and I have changed my mind

And I'm leaving everything behind

New beginning again

a bit closer

new beginning again

a little bit closer

New beginning again

a bit closer to the end

This is the time

it's a delicate line

to the beginning of what's yet to come

Lifetimes of changes

a strange generation

explanations never come in time

So I'm leavin' everything behind

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