Sé que aún me queda una oportunidad
Sé que aún no es tarde para recapacitar
[Lead Guitarrista]
Sé que nuestro amor es verdadero
Y con los años que me quedan por vivir
Demostraré cuánto te quiero
[Emilio, spoken]
I would like a kiss
[Gloria, spoken]
Excuse me?
[Emilio, spoken]
On the cheek now, on the cheek!
[Gloria, spoken]
Oh, okay! No
[Emilio, spoken]
But it's my birthday!
[Gloria, spoken]
No, it's not
[Emilio, spoken]
Yes, it is!
[Gloria, spoken]
Your birthday is on the fourth of July?
[Emilio, spoken]
[Gloria, spoken]
[Emilio, spoken]
[Gloria, spoken]
[Emilio, spoken]
[Gloria, spoken]
How did I not know that?
[Emilio, spoken]
You never asked me
[Gloria, spoken]
July fourth?
[Emilio, spoken]
Yeah, America and I have the same birthday
America's older
[Gloria, spoken]
Oh, not by much
[Emilio, spoken]
(Gloria and Emilio laugh.)
[Emilio, spoken]
You look beautiful
[Gloria, spoken]
Still have 95 to go?
[Emilio, spoken]
[Gloria, spoken]
¡Qué pesado!
[Emilio, spoken]
Okay, okay, okay, okay!
I would like a birthday kiss, please
[Gloria, spoken]
I'll get you a present!
[Emilio, spoken]
Yeah, I want a present too, but for now so I'll settle for a kiss
[Gloria, spoken]
[Emilio, spoken]
C'mon, just like a baby one and on the cheek!
[Gloria, spoken]
(Gloria goes to kiss Emilio on the cheek
but he turns his head to kiss her on the lips
She turns away from him, trying to look mad.)
[Emilio, spoken]
I have to tell you something
[Gloria, spoken]
[Emilio, spoken]
My birthday's in March
(They laugh. Gloria kisses him.)
[Gloria, spoken]
Can we try to be professional, please?
[Emilio, spoken]
(Gloria kisses him again.)
[Gloria, spoken]
Cut it out!
[Emilio, spoken]
That was you!
[Gloria, spoken]
Whatever! Let's talk about something!
[Emilio, spoken]
About what?
[Gloria, spoken]
[Emilio, spoken]
Uh, okay. Uh, let's talk about the single
[Gloria, spoken]
The single? What is there to talk about?
You heard Phil
They're never gonna get behind it
[Emilio, spoken]
No, they're not
That's why we're gonna do it ourselves
[Gloria, spoken]
And how do we do that?
[Emilio, spoken]
We go door to door with the track
Every Dj, every station
We let the music speak for itself
We let the people decide
We trust our audience, that's what I was saying
When it comes to the U. S. , it's not about sales, it's about exposure