Part I:
Under the shadow of the goat…I live!!!
We hate the holy things
We are bloody vampires…in search of victims
We are like God…We are Gods!!!
Part II:
Oh Horned God…Infernal Horde
Help us in our mission of blood
I’m eternal…king of destruction e misery
Blood sheded on your body
You fell a shiver…of terror
In the desecrate church
Under the sing of evil…he comes baptized
I baptize you…in the name of Satan
‘De causa peccati docent,
Quod tametsi dues creat et conservat naturam,
Tamen, causa peccati est voluntas malorum,
videlicet diaboli et impiorum,
quae non adiuvante deo, averti se a deo,
sicut Chiristus ait loh...
cum loquitur mendacium, ex se ipso loquitor’
Impure...forwarded on the world
to carry evil…spokesman of evil
and unholy glorification!!!
Oath of supremacy…
In happy copulation
draw the pleasures of the bornjoy
The moment of desire!
The moment of desire!
The virgin that pines for man shall awake
her womb to enormous joy
I want an unholy passion
An enchantment of blodd
On his storm bed lay the faint maid
and soon her woes appal’d his thunders hoarse.