When you need to have an action its blocked by a voice that comes from inside You catch yourself and thinking again That voices comes from where it unknown but it appears to say go Or do not go? Decisions are influenced for this reason If is it wrong? You can't know Voices inside can make me crazy If I keep thinking of all these routes Follow your instinct and don't look behind What if you do it You don't like another version?
Everything in your mind ask "is this better than others? " Intuition can give something wrong! That voices comes from where it is unknown but it appears to say go Or do not go? Decisions are influenced for this reason If is it wrong? You can't know Please tell me where can I go? Can I trust in this? Will I follow it or not Perhaps better not Voices inside can make me crazy If I keep thinking of all these routes Follow your instinct and don't look behind What if you do it and You don't like another version