Legion of the devil came to the Lord
Said "What have I to do with Thee-
Please do me no harm."
Jesus said, "Son, all your troubles
Will soon be no more."
He may have been bound for a very long time
But Jesus cast the demons straight into the swine
He took the chains off of him
Here I came with my burdens and cares
I had been trapped in one of Satan's snares
I could not see any way that I could be free
I cried out "Dear Lord, please hear my plea!"
And in just one moment He made a new man
Out of me -
He took the chains off of me
He took the chains off of me
He cleansed my heart, He set me free
I'm no longer bound
By the things that I once knew
I travel no more that broad way to hell
I found the straight and narrow way
And all is well
Since He took the chains off of me
So here you are, like Legion and me
Needing so bad to be set free
You've tried everything, and you don't know
Just what to do
He did it for Legion, for me, I know it's true
He's no respector of persons, He'll do it for you
He'll take the chains off of you