Fight within a war within a song
Roland dies, but memory lingers on
Soldier, approaching the Gates of Spain
Treachery waits for you and the baggage train
A rearguard stand, your final war
It's what you've been living for
Soldier, as you sit astride Viellantif
Durendal abides inside your sheath
Soon you shall grace the day
Turpin and Oliver ride by your side
Bishop and king's pawn about to slide
Do you feel fit to slay?
Carlon is riding far ahead
And cannot hear your voice if you call
Ganelon, the traitor, in his tent
Cannot wait to hear the word of your fall
Soon both shall laugh, in different ways
Soldier, approaching the Gates of Spain
The Paynim are sharpening up their blades
Glory! Your moment is here!
Can you see Marsilion yet?
Is that a vulture wheeling overhead?
Twenty thousand Frenchmen, the flower of honour
Stepfather's henchmen wait to fall on you –
Look around, the silent sound of death
Saracen plots
and Frenchman aids his plans
Ambuscade springs eternal life to man
Soldier, now white rises from the cliffs of Roncevaux –
Battle! Maybe you should heed the words of Oliver
It's time to blow your horn
Carlon twists and sc reams out in his sleep
Ganelon walks the night with knuckles raw
Soon both shall die, in different ways
And you can see Marsilion now
Baligant wields Maltet in his hand
Now's the time to hold to virtuous vows
Now's the time to fight and die alone in foreign lands
Twenty thousand fall to sixty, there is no hope
Oliover can well say "I told you so" now
Blow the horn and sound the call for help!
Too late, too late and Oliver falls
Now only Turpin and thee, back to back
Though Charelmagne wheels round tyo answer the call
When he arrives he'll find your body hacked
Only revenge is left, Marsilion shall die
Only revenge is left, the traitor's eye is beamed
Roland, the song is ended
Roland, the song is ended
Roland, the Song has only just begun