Best of intentions, fresh-faced devotees display
Sat at the feet of the master
Hoping that this is the one true way
Eager awareness
Picking the wood from the trees
Only belief is important
Only obedience can set them free
Here come the paraphernalia
Here come the catch-all refrains
Repeat ad infinitum
Slavish devotion, that's how it usually presents
In an impossibly pompous
Addiction to doctrines that make no sense
Anal retention to an astounding degree
Self-absorption is total
Making obedience compulsory
If they want to reach the inner mystery
Welcome to the bats in the belfry
The buzz-words echo around
Repeated ad infinitum
Brainwashed and bound to believe in
The orthodox text, slogans on t-shirts
The punters can't wait to be told
What to think of next
Oh, what's coming next?
Well, nothing is coming and nobody here goes
In search of the questions posterity might pose
There's only one answer the believers can allow
Yes, teacher knows best, teacher knows best
Let's put the teacher to the test
There's only one answer the disciples will allow out
Cultish convention repeated again and again
Until the words have no meaning
Until the means have become the end
What starts with self-obsession ends up in self-denial
They just so want to believe
Slaves to the snake oil of this particular world
Elitist and self-referential
The comfort's in sharing the secret word
With the picture blurred
The companionship of the herd