Samuelle, this is your lover calling, Samuelle
Samuelle, this is your lover calling
Samuelle, do you belong to Marylyn?
I know she could never love your heart
Like me
I'm quite sure we belong together
Oh Samuelle, you cannot tell a lie
It echoes across the moon and the sky
Valerie, Valerie, Valerie, this is your conscience calling
Valerie, Valerie, Valerie, I don't wanna hear ya
I do recall carnivals were filled up with crazy guys
And paper dolls
Thought it would last forever
Oh Samuelle, I'm running down the aisle
Wedding lace was written all over
I really want you, I really do
I really love you, rap on door, rap on door
ring bell, ring bell
Naughty little thing, we may never know
The prince and the showgirl
wonders if never, ever
Oh Samuelle, I cannot tell
If I sing to you, will you ring my doorbell?
Ring my doorbell, I really want you
Ring my doorbell, I really do
Ring my bell, I really love you
Time will tell, all those nights I sat up alone
And stared at the phone
Well, I'm calling, my shadow calling
"Samuelle", I cannot let you go
I have thrown all the snowballs I can throw
Oh! Oh!
I know you love me
You can have me if you want to